All cholera is to blame! by Pavel Fedotov

All cholera is to blame! by Pavel Fedotov

Fedotov spent a long time with the plot “All cholera is to blame”, sketched in the hot pursuit of recent sad events, still not lost some sharpness. However, this plot was conceived in the spirit rather ironic.

A small house feast, one guest fell from his chair, running over in drinks, and around him vanity: a woman rubs his chest with a brush, the master drags along with a glass of tea, between the two ladies there is a heated, almost to a fight, dispute about the necessary means, and the victim Meanwhile lies a layer, arms outstretched – serious mixed with comic.

This story Fedotov brought to the watercolor sketch, executed carefully – neither to give nor take the finished picture, just that small. In the characters depicted friends, from the Flug family: near the victim, the “Uncle Panya” is bothering, otherwise Pavel Alekseev, and his sister Elizabeth Ivanovna, their brother Pyotr Ivanovich is behind with a teapot in his hand; arguing women – Mrs. Leishke, née Karyakina, and a nanny who served with Flugov and Pavel Semyonovich Karjakin, Uncle Karl Flugh; did not forget the artist and himself, presenting himself in the form of a drunken retired officer sitting at a table with a ruthlessly shown bald patch, somehow covered with thin strands of hair.