Portrait of MM Rodivanovsky by Pavel Fedotov

Portrait of MM Rodivanovsky by Pavel Fedotov

In expanding the circle of acquaintances, Fedotov was unreceptive and most of all relied on himself the circumstances that had been formed. The circle of his communication was of a predominantly everyday, everyday nature, acquaintances grew slowly, and all this was an acquaintance of an officer, not a future artist.

The houses in which Fedotov visited were somehow connected with the regiment. The Rodovanovskys’ house, which lived not far from the barracks, on the Eighteenth Line of Vasilievsky Island, was half regimental.

Fedotov was brought to this house by his co-worker, Ivan Mikhailovich Rodovanovsky, and introduced his brothers Pavel and Mikhail, the sisters Olga and Anna; Anna was married to the doctor of the Finland Regiment, Semyon Vasilyevich Patsevich.

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