Winter. Flood by Nicolas Poussin

Winter. Flood by Nicolas Poussin

The painting “Winter” depicts the scene of the Flood. Element is blind and ruthless. “Winter” is written in a kind of cold, “ice” color, permeated with a aching sense of impending doom. “A terrible beauty,” said Goethe about this painting.

Having finished “Winter” in 1665, he knew that he would no longer write anything. He was not very old yet, but the titanic work undermined his health, and when his wife died, he realized that he would not survive this loss. A few months before his death, he wrote to his biographer Philibien in Paris, refusing to fulfill the order of one of the French princes of blood: “It’s too late, he can’t be well served. with a brush and think only about getting ready for death. I feel it with all my being. It’s over with me. “

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