Winter by Nicola Lancre

Winter by Nicola Lancre

Painting by French artist “Winter”. The size of the painting is 69 x 89 cm, oil on canvas. This painting by Lancres is included in the series of paintings by the artist “The Seasons”, created for the cabinet of King Louis XV in the castle of La Muett. During his lifetime Lancret enjoyed a great reputation in the artistic circles of Paris, and the most skilled engravers of the Rococo era reproduced almost all of his works.

The principle of Lancre was that the artist should always really depict events and nature when teaching at the Academy, for example, he recommended that young painters always paint landscapes every year so as not to break the creative link with nature and real life sensations. It was this advice that he gave to young artists: “If you stop portraying nature, stop landscaping, he said, you will become unfaithful and mannered painters, to such an extent that when you want to turn back to nature, you will see it in the same mannered and unnatural. “

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