With the beginning of the Russo-Turkish war, Vereshchagin goes to the battlefields. He participated in all the decisive battles, was at the famous storming of Plevna, made a winter crossing

With the beginning of the Russo-Turkish war, Vereshchagin goes to the battlefields. He participated in all the decisive battles, was at the famous storming of Plevna, made a winter crossing
In some sources, it is reported that Vereshchagin was invited to Turkestan, at the time when the military actions were going on, to create a military chronicle in the painting.
It is characteristic that, constantly working in the open air, Vereshchagin noticed color shadows, and the game of reflexes on objects, and blue tones of air haze, but he passed
About guerrilla warfare, it is often only in books and movies you can find out more information. But it is still very difficult to imagine how all the people were
Vereshchagin twice was in Central Asia, which inspired him to write the Turkestan series of paintings. The habitual scenery of the Veshchagin scenery was replaced by bloody military brutality, which
Winter again, and again the French army, captured in the picture Vereshchagin. What did these once brave soldiers lack that they came to die on Russian soil? An artist loyal
The painting “Attack Unawares” was painted by the artist in 1871. This work is included in seven sketches about the unequal battles of the Russian detachment with the enemies. This
Vereshchagin was a military class, which many introduced into astonishment. A real combat officer who has gone through several wars, but at the same time, manages to write such masterpieces.
For two trips to India, Vereshchagin managed to write a series of paintings, devoting them to the culture, nature and way of life of its peoples. Vereshchagin realistically conveys in
As in Central Asia, Vereshchagin shows a steady interest and special attention to remarkable architectural monuments. He lovingly conveys their decorative features, unusual for European forms, an organic connection with
Vereshchagin is merciless in depicting losses and victories. Vereshchagin, perhaps the only artist who did not have power over self-respect, and he could truthfully enough to display on his canvases
A huge role in the work of Vereshchagin was played by the theme of the war. This is the subject of most of the artist’s paintings, including the work “After
About 20 paintings Vereshchagin devoted to the Patriotic War of 1812. All his paintings related to this subject, he wrote in the period from 1887 to 1901. The artist wanted
1878-1879. Canvas, oil. 179.7 x 300.4. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia. Vereshchagin set out to show the society a truthful picture of the war, to reveal its true appearance. But
The artist-battleship Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin reveals many of his paintings to us in the war-time. It would seem that we know a lot from history, heard the stories of old
In 1874, Vereshchagin left Petersburg for a long journey through India. In landscapes written in India, the artist has shown himself a subtle sense of nature, the harmony of architectural
Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin is a unique painter who traveled a lot and accompanied the Russian army in military operations in the Balkans, Central Asia and Japan. Devoting his work to
As far as I know, this picture was written by Vereshchagin in 1872, after a trip to Central Asia. This picture reflects not only the war, since it depicts Muslims
A tireless traveler, Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin went to his first trip to India in the spring of 1874 and spent two years studying various regions of the country and also
According to the laws of wartime, each city, conquered by the enemy, must obey the victor. After entering Moscow, Napoleon immediately appointed from among his entourage those who were supposed
Purely landscape images are typical for the Indian cycle. In the sketch “The Himalayas in the Evening” Vereshchagin conveys the sensation of two worlds that struck him, which later in