Venus, tied Amur’s eyes by Titian Vecellio

Venus, tied Amurs eyes by Titian Vecellio

In the late period of creativity Titian was captured by the creation of dramatically filled pictures on Christian subjects, but antiquity still attracted him. The artist shared the belief of the Neoplatonists that contemplation of beauty exalts a person. That is, beauty had a religious meaning for him.

Because this work, known under different names, is not only a game of artistic fantasy on the themes of mythology: Venus tie Amur’s eyes, and one of the nymphs gives him a bow so that love arrows will be launched at random.

Attention is attracted, above all, to beautiful women, their faces with classic features, light golden skin, silky hair, soft gestures. Venus is full of quiet dignity, the warm, warm, warming all around it is underlined by the one buried in the shoulder of the goddess of love Amour – he clung to her like a child to his mother.

Beauty takes on this picture a maternal, life-giving beginning. It seems that Titian’s canvas breathes, and for good reason: by the time of the creation of this work, he had come to a new picturesque manner. His canvases of that period are close to a cluster of chaotically placed smears, but the viewer should take a few steps back and he will see how literally in his eyes images are born, woven from color and light.