Truth by Mikalojus Ciurlionis

Truth by Mikalojus Ciurlionis

Truth Externally – it’s just a man with a candle in the flame of which night moths burn. But peer into spiritual eyes – and the abysses are revealed… The man seems to be grieving. Probably from the sad associations of moths with people who are hungry for truth. This is especially evident on the lowered corner of the mouth on the illuminated side of the face.

But he smiles… He grins proudly, looking down and half-turned, as if despising weak creatures, unable to transfer the truth, if they recognize it. And if he pities them, then with disgust for these miserable people, who do not see how their brothers perish. Of course, he has the right to be proud of himself in comparison with those who can live only in the darkness of ignorance. What kind of truth is this, that only a few, or maybe even one, can know it? Life without faith is gray and dull.

And not everyone in the present world, having lost their religious ideals, has found new ones instead. And the truth, specifically described in a picturesque way by Ciurlionis, not only to his contemporaries, but to us, the truth, expressed in the inexpressibly sad and dull color of this remarkable painting “Truth”, is that a person without the inspiring world idea can not be happy.

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