The Golden Staircase by Edward Burne-Jones

The Golden Staircase by Edward Burne Jones

In the paintings of Bern Jones, contemporaries were attracted by the grace of pensive figures with their perfect beauty, bringing a nostalgic note. After a period of oblivion, the artist’s work regains its admirers. The canvases of Bern-Jones are distinguished by a special rhythm and plasticity, full of allegorical meaning: “In the picture I see a beautiful romantic dream about something that never was and never will be, which is illuminated by unearthly light, and it occurs in lands that no one will define and I will not remember. My only desire is for the forms to be beautiful. ” In the “Golden Stairs” there is no plot, and the alleged other variants of the name, like “Royal Wedding” and “Music on the Steps”, quite clearly indicate that the purpose of the picture is purely decorative.

A huge cloth radiates a mysterious and attractive force, fascinates with an endless stream of girls descending down the spiral steps. They are surprisingly similar to each other: slender, graceful, in white tunics, each with a musical instrument in their hands. They could have been mistaken for angels, were it not for the little window in the roof above the picture, where white pigeons are visible against the sky. The enthusiasm of Bern-Jones with abstract variations put him in a row of artists unconsciously absorbed in the themes that inspired the new generation of painters. As you know, his canvases in the early 1890s, in Paris, admired Gauguin, and at the turn of the century, in Barcelona, – Picasso.