The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

The famous painting by Sandro Botticelli “The Birth of Venus.” The size of work x 172.5 278.5 cm , oil on canvas, tempera. The painting was commissioned by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de ‘Medici, for whom performed and “Spring”. The painting was intended to decorate all of the same villa of Castello. Apparently, they were thought of as a pair of the composition, and there is some connection between them.

The painting depicts the birth of the celestial Venus from the foam of the sea, or the mystery of the phenomenon in the world of beauty. Under the breath of Zephyr, speeding over the sea space in the arms of his beloved Aura, goddess arrives on the sink to the shore. She meets Ora, ready to throw on the naked body of Venus cape embroidered with flowers. If the “Spring” is associated with a holiday in the realm of the goddess of love, this composition is a theophany or Epiphany. So conceived Neoplatonists mysterious appearance of beauty. According to the researcher of creativity Sandro Botticelli Herbert Horn, spiritual formation feelings permeates picture Venus “is in the light of ineffable bliss, from which emanates more circles of Paradise than the heights of Olympus.” And it is no coincidence that, interpreting the scene, Botticelli again turned to religious iconography: a symmetrical arrangement of figures, the upcoming central recalls compositional principle “Baptism of Christ”, where the Holy Spirit appears in the sky.

As usual in the Botticelli painting, elation of feeling here borders on melancholy thoughtfulness, creating an emotional atmosphere suffused with light. All of the composition bears the imprint of the subjective world of the artist. He gave acutely personal interpretation of lines of ancient Greek poets and Poliziano, which formed the basis of the picture of the program. Thus, the text of the “Stanzas to the tournament,” Poliziano “On the sink frisky Marshmallows matched with ethereal maiden Bregu: She turns, and enjoys sky – translates into the picture early morning hours with the faded colors of the sky and the sea; the rain of roses in the desert and enter the wonderful world of fragile goddess.

Botticelli expressively handed element winds veyuschih over the waters. Swirling apparel line, who wrote the hair and wings – all performed dynamic impulse, embodies one of the fundamental elements of the universe. Winds – Zephyr and Aura – visibly swaying expanse of water. In contrast to the winds, whose elements – air, space Ora – land. In a white dress embroidered with cornflowers, decorated with garlands of myrtle and roses, she stood on the shore, ready to envelop Venus cape, red which symbolizes love.

The two side wings of the composition – flying winds Ora and whose volume increases visibly dress, shaken by the wind, a tree and a cloak of Venus – is something like a veil, which opened its, introduced the world to the mystery of the phenomenon of beauty. In the painting “Birth of Venus” surprisingly precisely locate each detail and the composition as a whole gives the impression of perfect harmony. Strained, jerky and melodic lines that display intricate arabesque, the artist outlines the shape and contours of a more generalized refers to the environment. Visible only a narrow strip of the coast and the rest of the place occupied by the light shining from inside the sky and the sea. Venus – perhaps the most fascinating way or Botticelli. The artist gives his own interpretation of the classical ideal of beauty, bringing in sensory image features spiritualization.

Botticelli depicts a figure with delicately sloping shoulders, a small head on a long neck and a gorgeous elongated body proportions and melodious, smooth contours of forms. Irregularities in the structure of transfer figures in fixing its contours only reinforce the image of a wonderful expression. In the face of the goddess is also noticeable deviations from classical correctness, but it is beautiful and touching her attractive. In terms of its no certainty, as well as deprived of the goddess posture stability, who had just come into the world.

Eyes of Venus look a little surprised, not stopping for anything. His head is crowned with magnificent cascade of golden hair. Following the Roman poet, Botticelli depicts the hair divided into strands and shaken by the sea breeze. This spectacle is fascinating. Venus gesture shyly covers her body, such iconography comes from the ancient type Venera pudica. Sensual image of a beautiful goddess of love and beauty, the artist gave a purity and sublimity almost sacred. Rain roses, rhythmically flowing into the sea, passed clear language of lines and colors.

Botticelli is not looking for scientifically verified the accuracy of their shapes and forms. Admiration for the beauty of the flower dictates his simple and graceful contours of the buds and roses disclosed rotated in different angles. Their delicate coloring, the fragility of the structure and rhythm of the silent rain of flowers underscores the emotional tone of the composition