Still Life with a Pretzel by Luis Melendez

Still Life with a Pretzel by Luis Melendez

Still life was written in the mature period of the artist. At this time in his compositions appear luxury items, silverware. But, nevertheless, the artist still adheres to his ideals and works in line with the genre tradition.

The material tangibility of each of the items written on the canvas makes us remember the best examples of a still life. The tangibly transparent glass of the glass is reflected in the matt gleaming surface of the silver vase. The soft nostril of freshly baked bread looks like a pretzel lying on a white napkin.

The neck of a sealed bottle gleams dully. Slightly protrudes beyond the edge of a lit table with a silver fork. In the composition of this still life there is no ascetic construction of objects in one row, typical of Zurbaran’s still lifes. Perhaps it has something in common with the Dutch brethren. But the tone is darker, the items are smaller, the composition is simpler. Like other still lifes, Melendez is a work of a Spanish master.

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