Splinters of Grandeur by John Payter

Splinters of Grandeur by John Payter

John Payter was born in 1942. After receiving art education at the Faculty of Humanities in New York, Piter gained enough knowledge and skills to work in the field of visual art in the genre of surrealism and fantasy. More than 30 years of fruitful work have led John Payter to become one of the most recognized artists of our time. Through the artistic language of John Paytr reveals such important topics as, for example, the purpose of man in the world and time in which he lives.

The threats of overpopulation, the ominous shadow of nuclear war and the ecological deterioration of our planet are predicted in the surrealist works of Payter long before they became real problems of our time. And now, John Payter continues to present to the attention of society important aspects of human existence. As a result of the recognition of his achievements in art and exceptional talent, the work of John Paytra is now considered a classic of the twentieth century. All civilizations inevitably turn to dust as a result of the irrepressible pursuit of their own improvement.

In the painting “Pieces of Grandeur”, John Payter portrayed the ghosts of the long-forgotten worlds that rose from the depths of the ocean. From time to time, submitting to the unknown force of tides and ebbs, sculptures and sculptures of ancient civilizations rise from the water, reminding those living now that everything is transient in this world.

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