Spanish guitar player by Edouard Manet

Spanish guitar player by Edouard Manet

E. Manet’s painting “Spanish Guitarist” or “Guitarrero”, as well as a portrait of parents – two works created by the artist in 1860; belong to the first paintings of Manet, approved by the strict jury of the Paris Salon in 1861.

In the film Spanish Guitarist, Manet, for whom the works of Velázquez and Goya were the benchmark of creativity, managed to convey the singer’s feelings so clearly that the critic Teofil Gautier pointed out the similarity to the works of the great Spaniards, noting that he could even feel the talent coming from the musician. Although Gauthier’s opinion was not particularly valuable at that time, but when the Comte de Newwerke announced the name of Mané as the winner of the Salon, the young artist’s triumph had no boundaries.

For insult from Couture, unflattering reply about the work “Absinthe Lover”, satisfaction was received, now you can go your own way?

Mane managed to visit Spain for the first time in 1865, but before that time, and after, the influence of Spanish painting, like everything connected with this country, played a significant role for him.

It is believed that the work of “Guitarrero”, was written under the impression of the Andalusian guitarist Worth, although posed, speaking at the hippodrome Jérôme Bosch. The fact that in the picture, the guitarist is left-handed, was noticed later, but Mane did not change the position.

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