Sleeping nymph and shepherd by Angelika Kaufman

Sleeping nymph and shepherd by Angelika Kaufman

Painting by the Swiss artist Angelika Kaufman “Sleeping Nymph and the Shepherd”. The size of the painting is 46 x 52 cm, copper, oil. A mythological theme dedicated to the story of a meeting of an Arcadian shepherd with a sleeping nymph.

The inhabitants of Arcadia, mainly lived in cattle breeding and agriculture, did not know industry, arts and sciences, enjoyed the glory of a hospitable and pious people among the rest of the Greeks, so the newest poets, especially the idyllic creators, like the Italian Sanazaro and his imitators, portrayed Arcadia as a country of paradisiacal innocence, patriarchal simplicity of morals and peaceful happiness, making it a theater of his poetic inventions. Arcadian shepherds, glorified with fantastic decorations, became the subject of a special kind of poetry and painting – pastoral.

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