Portrait of Pietro Aretino by Titian Vecellio

Portrait of Pietro Aretino by Titian Vecellio

Painting by artist Tiziano Vecellio “Portrait of Pietro Aretino”. The size of the picture is 98 x 78 cm, canvas, oil.

In a number of works marked by the simplicity of the composition, the artist concentrates his attention on the vivid and holistic disclosure of the character in all his vital, sometimes coarse energy, such as in the portrait of Aretino, superbly transmitting the impetuous energy, health and cynical mind, greed for pleasure and money this remarkable and so typical for Venice of that era man.

Pietro Aretino, the creator of a number of comedies, witty, though not always immaculately decent novels and poems, was mostly famous for his “judgments”, half-joking predictions, dialogues, letters widely published and, in essence, works of a journalistic nature, combined bright and passionate defense of free thought and humanism, ridiculing hypocrisy and reaction with outright blackmail “of the powerful of this world” throughout Europe.

Journalistic and publishing activities, as well as poorly concealed extortion, allowed Aretino to lead a truly princely lifestyle. Greedy to sensual pleasures, Aretino was at the same time a subtle and intelligent connoisseur of art, a sincere friend of artists.

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