Since the late 1860’s, the artist worked a lot under Moscow, in particular in the Savvinskaya Sloboda near Zvenigorod. These places are called by name not far from Switzerland near Moscow. Here in the most picturesque places of the Moscow region is the old Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery.
The beauty of the monastery is supplemented and strengthened by the peculiarity of its location: it is visible from everywhere, being on Mount Storozhi at the confluence of the Storozhka River to the Moscow River. In these picturesque places the artist painted such famous paintings as “Savvina Sloboda near Zvenigorod, Rain”, 1879; “View from the outskirts of the village of Porechye”, 1869; “Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery near Zvenigorod,” 1877; “Savvinsky Posad near Zvenigorod,” 1879; and others.

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