Riding on the Neva by Alexey Bogolyubov

Riding on the Neva by Alexey Bogolyubov

There were times when the Russian troops had to fight with the fights of the banks of the Neva from the Swedish domination, to besiege the Swedish fortresses and take out of the attack. Since then, four centuries have passed. The Neva continues to roll its waters into the distance, its shores, especially not within the boundaries of St. Petersburg, still can not be called densely populated. As for the part of the river that washes the city’s banks, life here is boiling at any time of the year. And winter is no exception!

Little-known Russian artist of the late XIX century, AP Bogolyubov called one of his “winter” paintings “Skating on the Neva.” When you do not see the picture itself, it is easy to be deceived, based only on the name. How easy it is to think that we are talking about skating or sledging. By no means! This is much more ambitious and representative skating – on horses, harnessed to a sleigh.

It was, it turns out, once such a Russian fun. The picture is rather panoramic and it is difficult to make out some small details. It can be seen only that to the left – the spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress, that all the ice – close and far away, blackens from a large number of tourists and traveling on triples, that from the embankment directly to the ice all new and new riders arrive. And the weather is capricious and changeable – there, the clouds have already appeared, and, look, will start to climb!