Pulcinelli, sitting on the ground by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Pulcinelli, sitting on the ground by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Portraits make up only a small part of Tiepolo’s enormous artistic heritage, but the works that have come down to us show the artist’s ability to convey not only the portrait resemblance, but also the character of the model.

In addition to portraits, Teplolo left behind several paintings, which the artist himself called characteristic sketches. These include male portraits of the Orientals, such as, for example, “The head of an oriental man with a big mustache and a turban”, or instant sketches similar to the work “Pulcinelli sitting on the ground.”

Pulcinelli is a character of the Italian comedy del arte, a close relative of our Petrushka. Finally, Tiepolo’s brush has several beautiful female portraits painted by the artist from his daughters. Among these works stands out a mysterious portrait, which is called “Young woman in a triangular hat,” ca. 1760.

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