Prayer for the Cup by Hans Holbein

Prayer for the Cup by Hans Holbein

“The Passion of the Lord in gray tones” are considered one of the main creations of Hans Holbein the Elder. The cycle was named after the gray monochrome color scheme, made in the grisaille technique, imitating a sculpture. These are 12 paintings about the last episodes of Christ’s earthly life.

The expression “this cup” is taken from the ancient custom – those sentenced to execution were forced to drink a bowl in which poison was added to drink. Usually the doors of the prison opened, the guard brought in the cup and gave it to the condemned to death. Of course, everyone hoped that the cup would be carried past him.

Painting “Prayer for the Cup”. The plot is based on the prayer about the cup, which is mentioned by the evangelists.

“At the end of the secret supper, Christ and His disciples rose and went from Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives.” Near the Mount of Olives there was a garden called Gethsemane, leaving disciples there and taking only Peter, James and John with them, Jesus went to pray. He knew that the worst hours of his suffering are approaching.

“My soul is grieved for death, stay here and awake with Me, He said to the disciples who remained with him.” And after a short while he fell face to face and began to pray, saying: “My Father, if possible, may this cup pass from me, not as I want, but as You want. “

Having finished praying, He approached the three disciples who were waiting for Him and found them sleeping. “Could not you have been awake for one hour with Me?” – He said to Peter and, having gone another time, again began to mourn and pray. And his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Then an angel appeared to him from heaven and strengthened him. When He returned to the disciples a second time, he again found them asleep and again walked away, continuing to pray. Finally, coming up for the third time, He woke them up saying, “Arise, behold, he who betrayed me”.

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