Posters in Trouville by Raoul Dufy

Posters in Trouville by Raoul Dufy

In 1906, after the famous Fauvist exhibition in Paris, Dufy went to Trouville. The young artist was impressed by the possibilities of painting that he discovered. The paintings he wrote in Trouville bear the undoubted imprint of his impression of the works of the Fauves.

Dufy, however, has never been a strict follower of Fauvism, but “Posters in Trouville” is certainly the best that he created in this manner. However, here again he deviates from the canons of Fauvism – the colors though are bright, but not aggressive, the contours of figures and objects are marked very clearly. In addition, the drawing and perspective of Dufy can be called almost flawless, and the Fauves treated these elements rather casually.

Admiration Dufy street posters in something foreshadows American pop art in the 1960s. Using the visual power of color, Dufy managed to turn vulgar posters into a real work of art.