Portrait of V. Khvostov by Orest of Kiprensky

Portrait of V. Khvostov by Orest of Kiprensky

Vasily Semyonovich Khvostov is a senator, a writer. Entering the service in 1774 in artillery sergeant, he soon left her and volunteered to go to Siberia, where with the rank of captain was ranked in the horse company of the Kolyvan Mountain Battalion, and in 1783 he left military service, taking up the post of adviser to the Civil Chamber of the former Kolyvan province.

After a three-year stay at the embassy as a “knight” at the extraordinary after in Constantinople and then seven years of resignation, Khvostov was appointed governor of the newly established Tomsk province in 1803, and managed to plant 3200 families on insignificant funds for five years.

Dismissed for denying the orders of the Siberian Governor General, he was tried and acquitted only by the intercession of M. M. Speransky, who proved his innocence, and in 1822, with production to secret advisers, was made a senator.