Portrait of Francesco Maria della Rovere by Titian Vecellio

Portrait of Francesco Maria della Rovere by Titian Vecellio

Painting by artist Tiziano Vecellio “Portrait of Francesco Maria della Rovere”. The size of the picture is 114 x 103 cm, canvas, oil. Creativity Titian to 1540-ies completely associated with the artistic ideals of the High Renaissance. In the 1540s-1570s, when Venice enters a period of crisis, the Italian master from the standpoint of advanced ideas of the Renaissance reflects with new courage and sincerity the new social position of man, the new social conditions for the development of Italy.

Titian resolutely protests against everything that is ugly and hostile to a person’s dignity, against everything that is borne in Italy by the time of reaction, which slows and delays the further social progress of the Italian people. True, the Artist did not set himself the direct task of deploying and directly mapping and critically assessing the social conditions of life of his time. This qualitatively new stage in the history of realism came much later and got its real development only in the art of the 19th century.

1520-1540-ies – the heyday of the creative work of Titian the portraitist. In those years he created a large portrait gallery of contemporaries, among them the unnamed “Youth with a glove”, the humanist Vincenzo Mosti, Cardinal Ippolito Medici, the ruler of Mantua Federico Gonzaga, the ruler of Urbino, the outstanding military engineer Francesco Maria della Rovere, Titian’s friend Pietro Aretino.

Subtlety of the transfer of the individual inner world stands out portrait of the Ferrara lawyer Ippolito Riminaldi. A worthy place in the glorious row is occupied by a portrait of the Duke of Urbino, Francesco Maria della Rovere, clad in military armor against the background of banners and corresponding regalia. The painting is a steam room to the portrait of Eleanor Gonzaga.