Portrait of Cardinal Ippolito de Medici by Titian Vecellio

Portrait of Cardinal Ippolito de Medici by Titian Vecellio

Ippolito de ‘Medici is the illegitimate son of Giuliano de’ Medici, Duke of Nemours. In 1529, Pope Clement VII of the Medici made him a cardinal. According to Vasari, Ippolito Medici, the former commander of the Hungarian troops of Emperor Charles V, introduced in 1530 Titian Charles V in Bologna.

The portrait of Ippolito de ‘Medici was written by Titian also in Bologna in 1533. Ippolito is depicted in a Hungarian suit. After the death of Ippolito in 1535 at the age of 24 his portrait moved to the Florentine collections of the Medici

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