Portrait of A. N. Ramazanov by Karl Bryullov

Portrait of A. N. Ramazanov by Karl Bryullov

Ramazanov Alexander Nikolayevich actor of St. Petersburg scenes. He made his debut in 1813, at the end of the course at the St. Petersburg Theater School. He was a good actor in comedy, mainly for the role of servants, very important at a time when in the Russian theater in great fashion was Moliere, Beaumarchais and Marivo. Later, he was different in vaudeville. He taught dances to the students of the Academy of Arts. The inclination of the head and the gesture reveal the vividness of Ramazanov’s character; a smile makes his face look younger. He died in 1828, thirty-one years old.

The portrait of Ramazanov can be attributed to the number of the artist’s best early works. In it, Bryullov discovered his strong professional knowledge and the ability to reproduce the person’s life-and-truth image. Subtle and expressively conveyed the artist a live play of the face of an actor who was remarkable for his mimic talent.

The modern press wrote about AN Ramazanov speaking on the stage of the Imperial Theater: “He is excellent in the roles of servants…, moreover, withstand success with comic semi-characters.” Liveliness, agility, craftiness, change of voice, understanding the property of the person represented his excellent actor. ” The portrait of A. N. Ramazanov unites with the image of the Kikins the humanistic basis of the characteristics of people that distinguished the portraits of Russian classics.