On a hot day by Vladimir Makovsky

On a hot day by Vladimir Makovsky

Many artists in their works tried to convey the reality and truthfulness of what they saw. Some depicted the beauty of nature, others liked cities and large buildings, and some showed the life of the people. One of these paintings is the work of Makovsky Vladimir Egorovich “On a hot day”.

On his canvas, he showed the rest of the family in the summer. The whole family went to the park. He is very green, fresh and beautiful. There is a bench under a thick, old, tall tree. Before it runs a small river. Near it stands the eldest of the sons and holds the bait. Another rod in the hands of the Pope, who sits on the bench. Near him we see a smaller child and a nanny who reads a book to him. She covers herself with an umbrella from the sun.

Behind them stands the wife and holds her husband by the shoulder. Perhaps she is so encouraging to him. From their faces it is clear that it is very hot outside. A man is completely exhausted from the heat, and besides there is no biting. Also, the nurse reads an interesting story and from her voice completely finds a dream.

What strikes me most is their uniform. At that time it was customary to dress like that, but how hot it was. Men in high boots and suits with a thick fabric, and women lush dress to the floor. I am glad that in our time there are no such strict rules in clothes. And so the picture is very bright, beautiful, sunny.

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