Natalia Pushkina, born. Goncharova by Karl Bryullov

Natalia Pushkina, born. Goncharova by Karl Bryullov

Wife of the poet. Friends and relatives of Pushkin admired the young Natalia Nikolaevna. Found her in a “highly charming, beautiful, elegant and intelligent.” His poet expressed his feelings for his wife mostly in letters. In September, 1833 in Nizhny Novgorod and Orenburg, he wrote to her: “… I still love Natasha Goncharova, which in absentia whole wherever horrible. Addio mia bella is, idol mio, mio bel tesoro quando mai ti rivedro…. I The yearning without you, if it was not embarrassing, would come back straight to you, without writing a line, but you can not, my angel. I took hold of the ridge, do not say that I’m not dumb. “

Watercolor by AP Briullov is the only known portrait of Natalia Nikolaevna, created during the life of Pushkin. On December 8, 1831, the poet wrote to her from Moscow: “Does Bryullov write your portrait?”. Undoubtedly Pushkin wrote to his wife on July 30, 1834 from St. Petersburg in Polotnyany Plant: “I kiss your portrait, which seems to be to blame.” Look. ” The portrait was kept in Pushkin’s family, and from 1844 Pushkin-Lansky. After the death of Natalia Nikolaevna, he was with her children. In 1927 the grandson of NN Pushkina-Lanskaya, PI Arapov, gave a portrait to Pushkin House, from where he entered the All-Union Museum of AS Pushkin.

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