Martyrdom of St. Matthew by Michelangelo Merisi and Caravaggio

Martyrdom of St. Matthew by Michelangelo Merisi and Caravaggio

Painting of the Italian painter Caravaggio “Martyrdom of St. Matthew.” The size of the picture is 323 x 343 cm, canvas, oil. Stout, full-blooded people appear in the works of Caravaggio, the saints and great martyrs: the simple-hearted, rude Matthew, the stern, inspired Peter and Paul.

There is nothing unusual in their plastically tangible figures. It was for such paintings that many contemporaries criticized the artist Caravaggio. In the era of the Counter-Reformation, the canons for religious art were established, which every painter should strictly follow when depicting saints and their deeds. Caravaggio was accused of artificially profaning the memory of holy and sacred events, depicting and describing them in his paintings with the usual “human” language.

The paintings “The Calling of St. Matthew,” “The Martyrdom of St. Matthew” and “The Apostle Matthew and the Angel” were painted by the artist for the chapel of the Cotarelli family in the Roman church of San Luigi di Francesi. In the second picture of this series, “The Martyrdom of St. Matthew,” Michelangelo Caravaggio’s desire for a more effective and theatrically-pathetic solution of the composition prevailed.

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