The tombstones of Martos, due to the sincerity of the feelings invested in them, were very simple and clear in design. Movement went away from them, becoming restrained, in the

The tombstones of Martos, due to the sincerity of the feelings invested in them, were very simple and clear in design. Movement went away from them, becoming restrained, in the
Model of the monument to Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna, installed in Pavlovsk Park in 1815, designed by sculptor Martos. The monument depicts a genius holding a charming woman flying up,
In this work, the sculptor most closely follows the antique designs. The gravestone is characterized by clarity and certainty of the silhouette. The female figure with the tombstone of Gagarina
Like other nadgorobiya Martos, goes back to the best ancient monuments. Elena Stepanovna Kurakina, nee Apraksina is a princess, the chamberlain of the court. Daughter of S. F. Apraksin, senator,