Jupiter and Juno by Annibale Carracci

Jupiter and Juno by Annibale Carracci

In the plot of “Jupiter and Juno” taken from the Iliad, the queen of the gods seduces her husband, wanting to distract him from the events of the Trojan War. Seduced Jupiter can not resist such a temptation and puts his terrible trident aside.

The very fact of the existence of Troy and the reality of the Trojan War is no longer questioned. Here its duration is another matter, it is a controversial and controversial issue. Myths, as well as the poem of Homer’s Iliad, are interpreted as follows: among the Olympic gods, too, there was no unity about who should be helped-Greeks or Trojans.

Everyone, that is called, pulled the blanket over, deceiving and substituting others. That’s why, they say, the war lasted for ten years, while the clever Odysseus was also, by the way, a deceit, not telling the Greeks how to capture Troy with the least losses.

So in the picture of the Italian painter Annibale Carracci, we can clearly see that even Jupiter and Juno – the supreme gods of Olympus, and then occupied opposite positions. And that from the fact that Jupiter is no longer young – it’s only outwardly. A woman, even if she is a goddess, knows perfectly well which place to hold a man and what to tempt him.

Juno bared her breasts and unequivocally put her foot on the bed of Jupiter. He already took her by the knee and was about to draw her into his arms, and then… further – a well-known matter. There is no longer a golden trident and “personnel management.” A woman for a real man is always a temptation and an inspiration.