Insight by Rene Magritte

Insight by Rene Magritte

Magritte Rene wrote his works in the style of surrealism, but still in every work there is a deep philosophical meaning and part of realism. The work “Insight” at first glance seems ordinary and even primitive, although it is made in the same style as all the paintings of the artist.

Autobiographical canvas, the artist displayed himself at work. The man is sitting at the easel, in one hand he has a brush, and in the other a palette.

The artist is focused on work. The figure shows almost finished image of a bird. The man is turned, his face can be well considered. The painter looks at the egg, and draws a bird. This is the meaning of the unusual plot.

The artist in his canvases displayed an individual, personal vision of the world around him. In this work, Magritte shows the transformation of thought, his thought. This work explains why he portrays so ordinary objects through the prism of his perception of the surrounding world. The egg turns into a bird, and yet the philosophers of the whole world are still arguing about what was primary. Such a transformation of the germ of life shows all life.

The artist very accurately conveyed the essence of existence itself, life in its understanding. This unusual look at things and allows you to create original compositions.

The painter is turned to the lying egg, apparently, to catch the details of the object. He does not just hold the image in his head, he draws details for which it is just necessary to carefully study the shape and features.

Such an attitude to work and perception of the subject is unusual and speaks about the master’s individual approach to painting. The situation in the room is the most ordinary, there is nothing superfluous, the artist is focused on work, nothing distracts him.

Magritte shows that to create a picturesque masterpiece there is no need to organize luxurious decorations, entourage and a certain atmosphere.

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