Inconsolable sorrow by Ivan Kramskoy

Inconsolable sorrow by Ivan Kramskoy

Ivan Kramskiy’s painting “Inconsolable Grief” depicts a woman dressed in mourning. The mournful eyes, pallor, hand clutching the handkerchief convulsively and the other, lashing hanging along the body – everything indicates that she is experiencing the tragic moments of life.

Indeed, the mourning wreath, depicted on the middle ground, makes it clear that the funeral is in the house. Light baby lace dress does not leave hope – the mother lost the child. And this outfit is the last thing that she will put on her baby.

Attention attracts the person of the heroine, her eyes. There is pain in them, but the pain is humble. The woman is helpless before the incident, but she is experiencing this with dignity. The heroine of the picture is dressed in a black mourning dress, her hair hastily assembled. A bright spot is a handkerchief, pressed to the lips, as well as the eyes of a woman.

On the middle and the background are depicted pieces of furniture, interior details. The whole picture is made in brownish-golden colors, on which a black figure of a woman stands out.

The picture is full of symbolic details, such as, for example, a dimmer lamp. He is associated with extinct life, death. In addition, you can see on the canvas a half-open door in the room, through which light breaks through.

This detail indicates that grief, inconsolable grief, will retreat after a while, turning into a light sadness. However, behind the door is emptiness, the same as the heart and soul of the heroine. Another important detail is a pot with a red flower. Anxious, striving upward, he recalls the unreliability, fragility of human life.

The picture is filled with silence, stopped, dead. Here everything will remain the same, only here life, no, there is no happiness – the child has left the life.

The painting “Inconsolable sorrow” admires its restraint. There are no screaming and vivid emotions, but there is will, restraint, the ability to endure even the most terrible – the death of a child.

This canvas has many sketches, sketches and various editions. The reason for the occurrence of voluminous rough work is the search for an artist. Kramskoy, alien to too much suffering, was looking for ways of expressing grief, restrained and chaste.