In the village library by Irina Shevandronova

In the village library by Irina Shevandronova

A young artist Irina Shevandronova got a reputation for her diploma work. Her painting “In the Village Library” is considered a masterpiece of Soviet painting of the 50’s.

She showed a simple rural library and its visitors. Most of the craving for reading was children. We see how some stand at the shelves with books and read. One girl is standing by the window with a book in her hands. And two more children are standing at the counter waiting for their stories. Books are everywhere. Some lie on the shelves, others on the stool, a few more open on the table.

The children’s clothes show that it’s winter outside. On boys warm hat-earflaps, girls in kerchiefs. At all winter shoes and warm coats. The library for them is not only a place to read, but also the opportunity to warm up in the harsh winter. And the view behind the window is simply beautiful. How carefully the artist drew attention to this. Among the snow-covered and blurred species the silhouettes of the houses are clearly drawn.

A lot of attention is paid to details. In the depicted children, you can learn a lot about them. For example, the girl at the window is very neat and focused. Her hair was beautifully and in a modern way at the time. She is a good student at school and this is not her first book. She reads a lot and knows. The guys at the shelves, apparently, a little fussy.

On these thoughts, I put a hat on the top of my head. Even, it seems that they just watch the drawings, laugh and discuss something. And the children at the counter are a sister with a smaller brother. He came to listen to a beautiful story, which he now reads his sister. Each of them has its own worries and thoughts. They do not even imagine that in a couple of years books will not be so demanded and important.