Illustration from the treatise “A Guide to Measurement with a Circulation and a ruler” by Albrecht Durer

Illustration from the treatise A Guide to Measurement with a Circulation and a ruler by Albrecht Durer

Around 1512, Durer, who had already become a venerable artist, decided to share his experience with young painters and began writing a manual for them. Unfortunately, this book did not finish the book. His first complete treatise, Durer, was published only in 1525, and soon he became the reference book of the then European intellectuals.

Then two pictures from it are reproduced, clearly showing how to represent a three-dimensional object on the plane of the picture. The second book of the artist was “Guide to the strengthening of cities, castles and fortresses.” One of the illustrations to this book is placed at the top.

The last theoretical work of Durer was published after the author’s death in 1528. This publication contributed a lot to Willibald Pirkheimer, to whom the book was dedicated.