Holy Night by Albrecht Altdorfer

Holy Night by Albrecht Altdorfer

The painting “Holy Night” was created by the German artist of the Danube school Albrecht Altdorfer at the beginning of the first decade of the 16th century. The size of the painting is 36 x 26 cm, the tree is linden, oil. The scene of the Nativity painting by the artist Altdorfer “Holy Night” is fanned with a sense of romantic poetry. Masterfully transferred night lighting.

The ruins of a brick building, overgrown with flowers and grasses, where Mary and the baby and Joseph found shelter, are illuminated by yellowish reflections of the moonlight. Light skies of angels are twining in the dark sky. Another variation of the theme of Christmas in the work of Albrecht Altdorfer gives a similar picture of “Christmas”.

In another picture on the religious theme “Bathing Susanna” Altdorfer erects a motley multi-story fantastic palace building, from which the steps descend to the balustrades surrounded by terraces dotted with dozens of small figures. In the foreground under the shadow of a magnificent tree, the heroes of the biblical legend have settled down.