Fruit Basket by Edouard Manet

Fruit Basket by Edouard Manet

Edward Manet’s Canvas “Fruit Basket” was written in the period of the creative rise of the author. Despite the meager content of the plot – according to all the canons of impressionism – the picture is saturated with the thickness and dynamics of stroke and color. This still life is one of the most understandable and favorite genres of the public.

Clear and fresh color give manner Mane. There is fragmentation, a clear composition and clarity of the picture itself. A lively fruit production was absorbed into the canvas by the chaotic application of oil. Life in a flat narration breathed familiar tricks – deep spots of shadow, glare and blurred penumbra. The light falling to the right of the table, reflected in the juicy ripe fruit, revived the balls of apples and plums.

The coloring of the work is warm. Serving food in a wicker basket imposes homeiness and comfort. The fruits are laid by the hand of the author tightly and carefully, they hide foliage and are heavy from sap. A talented hand courageously puts a spot-reflection on the plane. This means that the surface is coated with varnish. A lonely apple, green and cold, is reflected by a warm blur in the horizontal plane. Along with the gilded knife, the forgotten fruit balanced composition.

The cutlery is involved in the formulation is not in vain. Just about and dense fruit skin will be notched. Due to the different nature of the stroke and its direction, Manet conveyed the different patterns of metal and wooden furniture, the paint of the walls and the bars of the basket. It is professional and seemingly so simple.

A set of fruits and berries can be interpreted in different ways. Perhaps this is a summer set – prunes with velvety skin, peach and figs. Or a combination of apple bouquet. Is it sham? Most likely no. However, Mane had the talent to revive inanimate exhibits. In his picture, there is a synthesis of unconventional painting technique and the basic rules for portraying a still life.

Non-traditionalism is enclosed in a strange imprint of smears of the depicted fruit. They resemble a children’s mode of play in a circle. Behind the basket there is a bunch of greenery, it is impossible to guess – what exactly. Warm palette shades are soft, do not cut the look. “Fruit basket” is collected for glory, appetizing and picturesque.

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