Algerian women in their chambers by Eugene Delacroix

Algerian women in their chambers by Eugene Delacroix

When Delacroix was in Algiers, he visited the harem, which belonged to a former pirate. When he was introduced to the female half, where the captain’s women in the company of the black slaves spent most of the day, he felt himself drunk from the damp stuffiness, from the extraordinary aroma of the hookah, from all this strange situation.

The women sat in front of him – there were three of them – sad and burly, they were wearing a lot of clothes, and at the same time they were as if half-dressed. They smiled indifferently – a woman’s smile, to which no one would answer. Unlike many other paintings, this one is calm, all the details of women’s clothes are carefully written out – a transparent blouse of the middle one, green bloomers of the extreme, decorated with yellow luminous dots.

In the back of the cupboard with red-green panels. In general, in the picture everything is built on color contrasts, which makes the picture look oriental bright and elegant.

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