Fox lights at the Iron tree of disguises in Odzi by Utagawa Hiroshige

Fox lights at the Iron tree of disguises in Odzi by Utagawa Hiroshige

The engraving is different from the rest of the series, it is fantastic, completely unreal and mysterious, although the place depicted in it is quite specific. These are the Sedzoku fields, located in the immediate vicinity of the village of Sedzoku-mati, whose roofs are visible on the right side of the engraving. Somewhere nearby was the Ozi Inari sanctuary, which was the main one among the Inari temples in the eight prefectures that form the Kanto region. Attention of the viewer is attracted by the enoki tree, in the center of the leaf and a lot of foxes with mysterious lights that were supported by their breath.

According to the legend, on the last night of the year the foxes of all the provinces gathered in Odzi, near the Enoki tree, to accept the appearance of the court ladies, and then go to the sanctuary of Inari. Therefore, the other name of the tree is “Sedzoku”, which means “dressing up”. Seventeen foxes of light orange color with bright tongues of flame stand out against the background of a dark landscape, Silhouettes of foxes are graceful and graceful, they are about to turn into a maid of honor. The flickers of other approaching foxes shimmers to the right.

The overall color of the later leaf becomes much darker than the early one. The strip of the boccas, passing along the top edge of the engraving is somewhat wider and darker, the color of the sky is also more saturated and the stars are brighter. The tongues of the flame are yellow-orange and stand out clearly against a dark background.

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