Festive procession of Sanno in Kojima by Utagawa Hiroshige

Festive procession of Sanno in Kojima by Utagawa Hiroshige

The name is due to the fact that earlier there were shops selling malt, yeast, and possibly with the Koji road that used to be here earlier. The festival of Sanno-maiuri was a holiday of the sanctuary of Hie-jinja Sanno Gongheng, located on the hill of Sannodarita. Hie-jinja became the family sanctuary of the Tokugawa family. It was one of the most important temples, along with the temple of Kandamezin in Edo. In these two temples, grandiose festivals were held, demanding large expenditures. Therefore, the festivals were held in turn, every two years.

On the day of the festival, June 15, early in the morning at the gate of Yamashita gathered 45 holiday chariots. Then they moved in the direction of the temple of Sanno-jinja, where three sacred palanquins joined them, the entire procession moved to the Edodze castle through the gate of Khandzo Gomon. The engraving shows how the first chariot with the monkey, dressed in ceremonial clothes, is going to pass the gate of Khandzo Gomon. Behind her, in the foreground, is a cart with a pommel in the form of a rooster standing on a drum. The color ratios in the two variants of the sheet remained almost unchanged. The darker and more saturated overall color of the late engraving is supplemented by a different coloration of the festive cart. It becomes blue-violet, in harmony with the dark tone of the water.

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