Faust by Mikhail Vrubel

Faust by Mikhail Vrubel

Triptych was created to decorate the interior of the house of one of the patrons of the Morozovs. The plot is well known not only as the basis of numerous literary works, but also thanks to Gounod’s opera. The artist often turned to opera stories and liked to “write” music. The first part is a young student and an enemy of the human race.

The contrast of the two images is striking, the conflict of work in contrasting pure youth, greedy for everything new and unknown. The central part of the triptych is the beautiful Margarita. The master wrote this part of the work with his wife. It is quite possible to characterize it as a hymn of pure love and beauty.

Ends the triptych – the mature image of Faust. Logically stopping at the key points of the work of the great poet and composer, the master draws the attention of the viewer to the most important moments in the life of each person. Here and inexperienced youth, subject to the influence of vice, and pure light feeling, and deservedly wise maturity.

The monumentality of the idea of ​​the triptych corresponds to the monumentality of its embodiment. Three separate panels connected by one big topic.