Crowning with a Crown of Thorns by Antonio de Pereda

Crowning with a Crown of Thorns by Antonio de Pereda

The origin of the painting is not exactly known. Apparently, she was removed from some monastery, closed after the ban of some monastic orders.

In this work, you can see the traditions of Baroque. The barbed rigidity of the crown of thorns was clearly written under the influence of Ribera, and the color scheme of the painting was inspired by Venetian painting. If we carefully examine the image of Christ with an extremely vital interpretation of his head and with extremely nervous, hands resembling gothic samples, then we can almost confidently say: before writing this work, the artist studied the early masters of Dutch painting.

The painting is full of tragic tension. Christ, with a rope around his neck and in a crown of thorns, stands, holding a roughly hewn pole. The eyes on the bloody face are full of misery and are directed towards the sky. The defenseless naked body and the rough bark under the thin fingers that have gripped the pole create a sharply tangible contrast. A scarlet cloak wound around the arm underlines the horror of the Savior’s imminent death.