Conan by Ken Kelly

Conan by Ken Kelly

Ken Kelly began to paint at the age of two, and since then he has not stopped. It is known that children learn through the art of self-expression. In that case, Ken must have been a very sociable boy, since nothing in the house could not be saved from his artistic “expressions”: not a tiny piece of paper, or the walls of the living room.

In the fourth grade, at the age of nine, Ken was given up for training to a drawing teacher, Mrs. Valeroyous. This was the beginning of a very beneficial relationship for the boy, lasting for the next nine years. Mrs. Valeroyous gave Kelly exactly the basic knowledge he needed. She showed Ken Kelly how to develop personality and his unique natural talent. Mrs. Valeroyus did not teach him how and what to write – she taught him the principles of art.

In the picture of Ken Kelly “Conan” depicts the favorite hero of many artists working in the genre of fantasy – Conan the Barbarian, a fearless knight, warrior and destroyer. Against the backdrop of a fantastic landscape in the blazing glow of a firesome planet, Conan goes to meet the danger, accompanied by three panthers, predators as ruthless as himself. The armor barely covers the mighty torso, the knightly helmet adorns the buffalo horns. He is invincible, he is Conan the Barbarian.