Composition with figures by Lyubov Popova

Composition with figures by Lyubov Popova

The picture is written in the spirit of synthetic and analytical cubism. Two human figures are made up of geometric details and almost dissolved on a similar background. With a visual perception of the picture, their images must be separated out of the common space by an effort of will.

The nature of the “cubed characters” resembles the composition “Country Love” by J. Bastien-Lepage, created in 1882. She was popular in the circles of Russian artists. It presents the scene “declaration of love”. The coloring of the picture, based on yellow and blue tones, contributes to the personification of the harmony of human relationships.

The attributes placed around 2 figures are used: on 1 plan is a bowl of fruit, on the left we can see a jug, on the right – a guitar. They are not completely deformed in the spirit of cubism and easily recognizable, so that we can say that the artist does not seek to completely break with the tangibility of the earthly world and its objectivity.

Cubism does not fully master its creativity as an artistic style and method of world perception. This canvas is an intermediate step on the way to cubofuturism. It was demonstrated at the “Jack of Diamonds” exhibition in 1914. In terms of the skill of designing a volume on a plane, it can be put in 1 row with Malevich’s creative works.