Cavalier Ramp and his lover by Frans Hals

Cavalier Ramp and his lover by Frans Hals

Painting Frans Halsa as if soaked in the juices of his modern Holland, a young burgher republic. People in the artist’s paintings are full of vital energy. The military depicted on the canvas rests after the labors of service. All is well with cheerful and intoxicant Kavaler Ramp: standing on the threshold of the vegetable marrow, with one hand he lifts the cubes with wine, and the other caresses the faithful dog, a girlfriend clung to the shoulder of a happy reveler.

Such paintings of Huls are close to Flemish painting with its perception of life as a feast. At the time of writing this work, the artist has already claimed of himself as an adherent of the genre portrait, in which he not so much revealed the psychology of man, how many told about his life. It is interesting that the plot of the canvas echoes the Gospel parable of the prodigal son, who, having fun, lavished his inheritance. But Hals does not have any hue of moralizing: he genuinely admires the man who loves life. To stop the attention in this story on the motive of carefree fun – quite in the spirit of Dutch artists, it is enough to recall the picture of Rembrandt “Self-portrait with Saskia on his knees”.