The passion for drawing was not the only one in the soul of Jim Burns, just as passionately he dreamed of flying. At the age of 18, he entered a

The passion for drawing was not the only one in the soul of Jim Burns, just as passionately he dreamed of flying. At the age of 18, he entered a
Illustrating the history of love affairs, Burns is pretty podnatorn in the image of the anatomy of the human body and has received recognition in the publishing world. Soon there
Jim Burns is the most famous contemporary British illustrator of fantastic literature. Born Burns in Cardiff in 1948. He served in the Royal Air Force, but left the service and
The dream of Jim Burns’s youth did not come true, he did not become a pilot or an astronaut, but he reached other heights. The artist has many professional awards.
Jim Burns freely owns any picturesque technique. At first the artist worked as a watercolor, then switched to gouache and oil, in recent years he prefers acrylic paints. In general,