Allegory of Melancholy by Lucas Cranach

Allegory of Melancholy by Lucas Cranach

The painting “Allegory of Melancholy” was created by the artist based on the popular story in the first quarter of the 16th century. The size of the board is 113 x 72 cm, wood, oil. The top of such paintings and engravings of this style in the art of the Renaissance is undoubtedly the engraving of Albrecht Dürer Melancholy I.

Dürer Melancholy is the embodiment of a higher being, a genius endowed with intelligence, possessing all the achievements of human thought of that time, striving to penetrate into the mysteries of the universe, but possessed by doubts, anxiety, disappointment and anguish accompanying creative pursuits. In Lucas Cranach the painting “Allegory of Melancholy” is an image of an empty contemplative being, vainly trying to penetrate into the meaning of future events.