Adoration of the Shepherds by Rembrandt Harmens Van Rhine

Adoration of the Shepherds by Rembrandt Harmens Van Rhine

In BETHLEHEM, PASTULAS and other simple people surrounded Jesus, lying in a manger. The light from the lantern, which is held by one of the shepherds, is very weak compared to the radiance emanating from the Infant, similar to a burning hearth, in which everyone present is heated.

The high arches of the dimly lit crib emphasize the significance of the event, and the contours of the rafters give the composition structural stability. Before us are simple people, but what they have seen has transformed them, everyone present is involved in what is happening, even a child with a dog and cows in a barn.

This picture is one of many studies on the theme of the Nativity and Infancy of Jesus. In the 40s, Rembrandt, apparently, was particularly interested in these subjects.

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