A boy bitten by a lizard by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

A boy bitten by a lizard by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

The painting of the Italian painter Merizi da Caravaggio “A Boy Bitten by a Lizard” is part of the cycle of paintings of the early period of the artist’s work. The size of the picture is 66 x 52 cm, canvas, oil. In the picture, Caravaggio portrayed how a boy jumps from pain, as his finger is bitten by a lizard hidden among the fruits.

Magnificent still life is placed by the artist between the teenager and the audience. Attention spectators chained glass vase with a sprig of jasmine, and a bunch of juicy and not very cherries near the vase. It is worth noting the reflection of the room, drawn in the curving contour of the vessel.

This painting is the most unusual genre still-life for painting of the late sixteenth century. Caravaggio in his work extremely realistically showed through the instant action of the character’s reaction to pain and bite. Actually, the composition and design of this picture can have allegorical significance, and, perhaps, is a narrative of the spiritual pain that sudden and unrequited love can cause.