Violante by Titian Vecellio

Violante by Titian Vecellio

Painting by artist Tiziano Vecellio “Violante”. The size of the painting is 65 x 51 cm, canvas, oil. The most complete embodiment of the ideal of a physically and spiritually beautiful person, given in the whole life fullness of his being, Titian manages in a portrait. He turned to the portrait in the early years.

Then a portrait of a young man with a torn glove was painted, as well as a portrait of Tommaso Most, surprising in its picturesque freedom of characterization and nobility. By this period is his full and somewhat cold elegance “Violante”, a fair-haired girl with surprisingly beautiful eyes.

A thick wave of hair with heavy gold falls on open, wonderful shoulders and turns into a transparent weightless fluff that gently envelops the delicate lace and snow-white skin of a young woman. The expensive dress is intended only to emphasize again the noble origin and the inherent sense of dignity. The painting has a second name – “Beauty Gatta.”