Uncertainty of the poet by Giorgio de Chirico

Uncertainty of the poet by Giorgio de Chirico

In the works of the early 19th century, de Chirico often has images of bananas. The choice of these images has a sexual background, although it can also be caused by memories of evening walks with Guillaume Apollinaire. In the streets of Paris, it was often possible to meet trays of sellers of bananas.

In “The Uncertainty of the Poet,” a bunch of bananas, as it were, emerges from the female womb, or, on the contrary, approaches it. All of his creative life de Chirico will use a combination of plant elements with antique sculpture. Here, we can certainly see the influence of the great Cezanne, both in the comparison of still life items, and in the approach to their formal depiction, and even in experiments with perspective. Much later, in 1974, in a completely different technique, the master will create the work “Apollo and the Rose”.

Fruits and vegetables are depicted here in great detail, the landscape in the background can even be described as lyrical. The only thing that remains unchanged is the sensation of shakiness and unreality that passes through all of de Chirico’s work.