The miracle of St. George about the serpent, with Paraskeva on Friday and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the fields

The miracle of St. George about the serpent, with Paraskeva on Friday and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the fields

Favorite by the people plot of Miracle of George about the dragon in the icon is accompanied by images of the most revered Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and Nikola the Miracle-worker. The iconographic feature of the work is that, in the presence of a crown over George’s head, there is no image of the angel bearing this crown. Nimbus George was not depicted; The icon painter just outlined his left edge with the contour of the saint’s cloak.

George holds the spear in his left hand, the motive is in the right. The traditional plot is interpreted in the spirit of folk art. With a simplified transfer of form and a mean palette, the icon painter works boldly and decisively, with a good sense of rhythm of the main color spots.

The manner of writing the icon, its colors and composition find analogies in a number of monuments of iconography of Karelia in the second half of the 17th century. The icon represents artistic, historical, cultural and museum value.