The Mill in Sharaton by Francois Boucher

The Mill in Sharaton by Francois Boucher

Landscape of the French painter Francois Boucher “Windmill in Sharaton.” The size of the picture is 72 x 92 cm, canvas, oil.

His work was exceptionally multi-faceted, the artist turned to mythological, allegorical and biblical stories, portrayed rural fairs and fashionable Parisian life, wrote genre scenes, pastors, landscapes, portraits, created scenery for theaters in Paris, fairs in Saint-Laurent and Bellevue, as well as for amateur theatricals, arranged by the favorite of the French King Louis XV, the Marquise Jeanne Antoinette de Pompadour. The artist was well acquainted with the Venetian tradition of monumental and decorative painting; It is known that Boucher collected paintings and drawings by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

It is also known that the landscapes “Farnese Gardens” and “View of Tivoli” are executed on the basis of the impressions of the Italian journey of François Boucher in the late 1920s and early 30s of the 18th century.

Already in these early landscapes an extraordinary decorative gift of the artist appeared, able to build compositions on a combination of the rhythm of the whole and the characteristic detail. In 1743 – 1748, François Boucher acted as the decorator of the Paris Opera, and also directed several ballets. From 1755 to 1765, according to the royal decree, Boucher was appointed director of the Royal Tapestry Manufacture in Paris.